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Letter: Opinion Piece On Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Was Balanced

Published on: 5 Mar, 2018
Updated on: 5 Mar, 2018

From Hannah Davis

In response to: Examiner Did Not Support Residents Association Views On Housing Numbers For Effingham

I read the original article by Chris Dick and thought it reasonably balanced and in favour of building bridges within the community. What’s wrong with that?

It praised the Neighbourhood Plan but gently pointed out the divisions that had occurred. I presume that both past and present chairs of EFFRA would have first-hand insight as to what went on.

So, in my opinion, it is a shame that the borough councillor is still not allowing anyone to speak out about Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan, without criticising them, even when they praise it. Was the process perfect? Was it gold plated or something? Only 44% of Effingham turned out to vote.

Also, is Cllr Hogger the parish council chairman? I’m surprised if she isn’t because she comments on so many aspects of life in Effingham. And if she is not then perhaps she should be. Do other members of the parish council have a voice?

I found Cllr Hogger’s comment regarding “fighting over every blade of grass” to be insulting, mocking everyone who had followed the call to protest against the Berkeley Home development. What does the borough councillor think of her electorate? In the run up to the 2015 borough council elections I thought she stood to protect the green belt.

Whilst the article is about about unity Cllr Hogger is commenting on red stickers! Effingham must be a weird place to live! I can’t wait for the next episode of Stickergate.

Where are the GGG and independent candidates? 2019 is suddenly looming large.

As stated within recent articles Arnold Pindar is the chairman of Effingham Parish Council. Ed

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Responses to Letter: Opinion Piece On Effingham’s Neighbourhood Plan Was Balanced

  1. Liz Hogger Reply

    March 5, 2018 at 3:44 pm

    At the risk of causing further offence to Ms Davis for commenting so much about issues in my borough ward, I would point out that I did not, and never would, mock those protesting against the Berkeley Homes proposed development in Effingham.

    Having spent much time last year, working with both fellow parish councillors and EFFRA, to prepare and give evidence against the Berkeley Homes proposal at the Planning Inquiry, I regard that fight as a major team effort opposing proposals that would devastate our village.

    We will know whether we have won that fight when we get the Secretary of State’s decision, now due by 22 March. I am optimistic that the Neighbourhood Plan policies, including the controversial site allocation at Effingham Lodge Farm, will help defeat the Berkeley Homes proposals.

    Liz Hogger is the Lib Dem borough councillor and a parish councillor for Effingham

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