Fringe Box



Letter: Our Undemocratic Planning System Is a National Issue

Published on: 7 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 8 Dec, 2019

From: Harry Eve

In response to: Why This Election Just Could Be a Five-Horse Race in Guildford

The result of the Judicial Reviews into the Local Plan proves that the Conservative planning system, nationally and as it affects our borough, is not fit for purpose.

The system in our own council, a Tory legacy along with the Local Plan, will not even allow councillors to raise the urgent matter of climate change in connection with planning applications (see the GBC webcast, 49 minutes in, of Planning Committee debate on 19/P/00027 – Clockbarn Nursery, Tannery Lane, Send).

It will not even allow councillors to raise public health issues such Oak Processionary Moth (see GBC webcast, 43 minutes in, of debate on 19/P/00634 – Land rear of Chicance and Quintons, Ockham Road North, East Horsley). Any attempt to do so is firmly shut down by the Conservative chair of the Planning Committee.

But, of course, the system does maximise profit for influential Conservative developers who donate to the party, so they will not make the changes needed.

We should recall what happened with the Solum development. It was perfectly legal, under the Tory system, for a single planning inspector to overturn a unanimous council decision without any right of further appeal. The Planning Inspectorate acts under direct control of the Conservative Government.

Such an undemocratic system is a national issue, not purely local. Change is long overdue and it is vital, in my opinion, that residents elect someone who is not a Conservative.

The younger and future generations have no hope under the Conservative Party. It is the least concerned about climate change; Boris Johnson is not the only Tory who will not even discuss it.

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