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Letter: Removal of Debenhams Northern Canopy is Relevant to Flood Risk

Published on: 19 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 19 Sep, 2024

An abandoned car by the Plummers store in the 1968 floods.

From Bibhas Neogi

In response to a comment from Roger Main on the story: Demolition Proper of Debenhams Building Still Months Away

I recall seeing flooded Millbrook photos when Plummer Roddis’ basement was affected in September 1968. I was still driving down to Guildford from Battersea to newly opened University building of Civil Engineering at Stag Hill. Maybe The Dragon could show a photo?

Another looking north-east of the recently built Plummers store in Millbrook during the same flood. The northern canopy which would be positioned just around the far corner of the building as shown, was built later.

Guildford Past and Present group on Facebook has a photo of flooded Millbrook that clearly shows water level that was above the paved area outside of the north canopy. Now that it has been removed, the floor, I believe, is at the same level as the outside.

I am amazed at the statement that “The northern canopy has nothing to do with flooding” now that there is no barrier for ingress of water through it to the basement down the opening on the floor next to it!

Who are these “various organisations who still protest at any change today”? Raising educated cautions and drawing attention to factors that are not readily visible are not protestations; they are concerned observations for the benefit of the developer.

The northern canopy before it was removed.

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