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Letter: SANGs Policy Increases House Prices

Published on: 8 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 5 Mar, 2019

Eashing Lane SANG

From Gordon Bridger

hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

In response to: Application to Convert Farmland into a Nature SANG Approved Despite Reservations

Suitable Alternative Greenspaces (SANGs) are now being used to allow house building on sites which would not otherwise be permitted as it is argued that funding a SANG will divert visitors awat from Special Protection Areas (SPAs) where there are three endangered birds species, Dartford warbler, woodlark and nightjar.

The policy, incorrectly attributed to the EU by Natural England (NE), blames local visitors for this.

There are two SPAs in Guildford, Whitmoor Common and Wisley/Ockley which have led to the establishment of SANGs. They have been funded by a tax on almost all new housing in Guildford for the next 125 years and will raise over £70m if the 10,500 houses currently planned are built.

There are several faults in the policy. The first that almost all these three species were wiped out in a cold spell and according to a NE count there were only two Dartford warbler, no woodlarks and three nightjar nests identified on Whitmoor Common in 2017. Nearly the same for Wisley/Ockley.

Neither is there any evidence that visitors to SPAS are the cause of any decline in the numbers of threatened species, so they have to use the “precautionary principle”.

Having no birds to protect, in order to raise funds the argument has been that the unique environment of these SPAs has to be preserved. But why do they need this help? NE has just awarded Surrey Wildlife Trust their top award for Whitmoor Common as “best-preserved heathland”. Oh dear.

Officers have told councillors that they have no alternative but to accept SANGs as three inspectors’ reports say they must. I have read two of them. The inspectors stated that SANGs are justified so occupants of new housing will not disturb birds in SPAs. But no one told them that there were no birds in the distant SPAs that need protection and no evidence that visitors are the problem.

The policy which is increasing house prices by maybe around £7,000, per dwelling will raise maybe as much as £100 million over its life in Guildford alone (there are 11 other districts) all in order to save three species of birds which do not need saving. Crazy! And it means that funds which should go to affordable housing goes instead to SANGs which are used to allow housing on greenfield sites.

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