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Letter: SCC and GBC Should Investigate ‘Letter of Support’

Published on: 10 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 10 Mar, 2019

From Colin Cross

Independent borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham)

In response to: SCC Letter is An Example of How Support for Wisley Scheme Has Been Fabricated

With such incontrovertible evidence of the collusion between certain councillors at GBC and SCC now to hand, is it not time to turn to SCC’s new leader and report that the letter origination trail, that his deputy, Cllr Colin Kemp, recently informed Ockham Parish Council was lost forever, has now been uncovered?

The SCC leader can then be requested to investigate why a GBC councillor, who is also an SCC councillor, Cllr Matt Furniss, is allowed to wear his two hats simultaneously?

Not only does this FoI revelation seem to uncover him, in his role as the deputy leader of GBC councillor, to be the true instigator of the letter of support, but it appears that it was drafted by a GBC planning officer and then put into Cllr Hodge’s hands, merely to sign it off. David Hodge [former SCC leader left soon afterwards.

What a tangled web they weave… You couldn’t make it up, could you?

On second thoughts, ought not GBC also instigate an enquiry of their own? Maybe even an independent enquiry is called for with this level of clandestine activity?

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