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Letter: Our Shop Had To Close Because of a Cycle Race

Published on: 30 Oct, 2013
Updated on: 30 Oct, 2013

Cycle Race ClosuresFrom K West

I work in a shop at the bottom of Guildford which had to close for the day because of the cycle events.

Although I work in the shop, I am self employed which meant that I lost out on the income for that day. Being a small shop we lost a days takings. Originally we were going to open but, as we experienced with the Olympic race, the pavement outside our shop was crowded from the curb to our window. With the nearest car parks closed and the road closing from lunchtime and barriers erected overnight to stop people parking, we decided to close.

If the race had been on a Sunday instead of the Saturday, it would not have affected us. If we had been given the chance to air our concerns over this we would have been against the race/event. If consultation had happened, then we would have raised the issue of compensation for businesses who had to close or be restricted in their trade. But the first we knew of it was when the council started putting up signs for the road closures.

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Responses to Letter: Our Shop Had To Close Because of a Cycle Race

  1. Alan Robertson Reply

    October 31, 2013 at 7:56 am

    Surrey Council must stop promoting cycling events in the County. A major consequence of opening up the area as a cyclists’ playground (remember that the recreational cyclists are merely out to play on their bikes, not going from A to B for a proper reason) residents are plagued by droves of cyclists, riding in packs, many of whom ignore the basics of the Highway Code.

    Businesses are adversely affected when there are large organised events If leisure cyclists wish to go out to play in packs, formula one race tracks, or similar off road sites could be leased by them, thereby returning the highways to their intended purpose.

  2. Fiona White Reply

    October 31, 2013 at 8:14 am

    This letter clearly sets out the reason why the Lib Dem group raised the issue. I have great sympathy for a small business which felt it had to close for a day with the loss of takings as a result.

    If the proposal for a series of cycle races had been widely advertised and a proper consultation taken place throughout Surrey, particularly in places most likely to be affected, problems could have been identified and at least taken into account when the decision was made. There may have been a way of organising things differently but we will never know.

    It is arrogant of the Surrey cabinet to think that they always know best. They are here to represent all the people of Surrey. That is why all the people of Surrey are entitled to be told what decisions are being considered and to be consulted as widely as possible before the decisions are made.

    Fiona White is the Lib Dem county councillor for Guildford West Division

  3. Bernard Parke Reply

    October 31, 2013 at 11:30 am

    There are too many decisions being made by people that do not live and really understand the problems that we have here in the Town of Guildford.

    Dare I say once again, we need our own town council to give our people a voice in their own destiny as enjoyed in the villages [through parish councils] and other Surrey towns.

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