Fringe Box



Letter: The Memorial Service Was Incredibly Moving

Published on: 8 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 8 Oct, 2024

From Toni Hourahane

In response to: Remembering The Guildford Pub Bombings On The 50th Anniversary (see also: Guildford Pays Tribute to Victims of the 1974 Pub Bombing Atrocity)

I attended the service at Trinity Church and watched the procession of the army, police, cadets and the councillors.

At the incredibly moving memorial we were reminded that these were our local people and the bombing was indiscriminate. The loss of lives and injuries targeting a defenceless group socialising is still the way terrorists behave in 2024.

Sadly innocent people were prosecuted and the guilty went free. They have probably outlived the tragedy that befell this historic town.

It sent seismic shocks around the country, the world and our local families will never forget.

Thank you to the church for leading this initiative that resulted in a multi-faith and no faith service.

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