From Geoff Davis
Conservative candidate for Holy Trinity
In response to: Maddy Redpath’s comment within Is Social Media a Menace or a ‘Key Tool’ For Civilised Society?
The annual pancake races organised by Maddy Redpath and her parents are very much respected for their successful charitable ambitions, giving much fun to those taking part, and those of us watching.
Guildford Borough Council has supported the event, due to its charitable status.
However, the last event became a political offering by one particular party, with banners erected and leaflets being purposefully handed out.
I saw that happening when I arrived, as always, to give support and was somewhat shocked. Others saw it too, and were concerned that the event could lose its charitable status.
I’m not sure if Maddy was naive in agreeing to the event being commandeered in this way, or actually encouraged it.
Let’s hope that from now on this great event can revert to being a fun and charity money raising experience, with no political overtones.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
April 15, 2019 at 5:41 pm
I think over and done with – it’s in the past. Time to move onto the morality of the Local Plan decision pre or post the elections.
Julian Lyon
April 15, 2019 at 6:23 pm
Let’s put this into perspective, shall we?
Guildford Borough Council paid for an event at Watts Gallery in December (including funding 80 people for dinner to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first time women were allowed to vote).
The Conservative Association (of which Geoff Davis is a member), fronted by Matt Furniss, held a Conservative fundraiser at Watts Gallery immediately before the dinner so they could benefit from the guests. I know, I was there, as pointed out by Mr Whitby Collins in The Dragon.
I suppose the main difference was that R4GV paid to help sponsor the Pancake Race. The Conservatives fundraiser was much more private, but equally piggybacked on another event.
Perhaps that party benefiting from the council’s (our) funding should be investigated? Pots and kettles?
John Redpath
April 15, 2019 at 6:48 pm
I think it may be Geoff and Cllr Spooner who are the naive ones here.
If the Charlotteville Jubilee Trust had done something wrong, which they hadn’t, then it would be down to council officers to reprimand them.
What on earth does it have to do with the elected leader and his special adviser? Nothing.
I run the pancake races. Maddy is a volunteer and does our social media. What a shame Geoff Davis never had the time to volunteer at the event otherwise he would have known that.
Wayne Smith
April 15, 2019 at 9:00 pm
Rightly or wrongly, the pancake race may have been used for political reasons but Geoff Davis raising the matter again, a month after the event, (when the matter had long since been covered in The Dragon), is just further politicisation.
One might think there were local elections in the offing.