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Letter: Tories Are a Spent Force if They Stick to Their Damaging Planning Policy

Published on: 5 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 5 Dec, 2019

From: Colin Cross

R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham)

In response to: Local Plan Judicial Reviews Dismissed, GBC to Continue Implementation

We could never have expected a fair result because the system is not geared to work that way. It’s a broken system but that suits the Tories in the shires.

They will continue to drive a coach and horses through the need for a proportional response to the housing problem and the need for sustainable development.

The Conservative candidate for Guildford, Angela Richardson, from New Zealand, is telling us the GBC Tories got it right when they forced through a much-hated Local Plan during a purdah period and then suffered an election wipeout.

I’m not sure she read that one quite right. Seems a revised version of history akin to the “great British victory” at Dunkirk.

The Tories in Guildford are a spent force as long as they think the rape and pillage of our green belt is a necessary evil. It is not, and never will be.

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Responses to Letter: Tories Are a Spent Force if They Stick to Their Damaging Planning Policy

  1. Alan Davies Reply

    December 5, 2019 at 3:15 pm

    Messrs Paul Spooner and Matt Furniss forced through their “build on green belt” Local Plan in April. A week later, in the May local elections, the Tories were massacred with Mr Furniss defeated and Mr Spooner just missing the exit.

    The Tory parliamentary candidate supports building on our green belt including Blackwell Farm and Dunsfold. It’s amazing that Mrs Richardson thinks thousands of extra homes won’t produce any more traffic on our roads.

    Mrs Richardson sounds no better than Messrs Spooner and Furniss. She should suffer the same fate as Matt Furniss and lose the seat for the Tories, rather than hang on by her fingernails like Mr Spooner. Boris Johnson said he wasn’t bothered about the Tories losing Guildford so let’s give him what he expects.

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