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Letter: Tory Non-communication Policy Speaks Volumes

Published on: 12 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 12 Sep, 2019

From Tony Edwards

Spokesman for Wisley Action Group

In response to the footnote on: Wisley Letter To PM Urges Greater Green Belt Protection In Any Election Manifesto

The policy of non-communication with The Guildford Dragon NEWS by the local Conservative Party speaks volumes about its attitude to democratic debate and the freedom of the press in the UK.

The local Tory party stance is both immature and unprofessional and demonstrates contempt for both the local media and the electorate who rely on local news reportage.

Perhaps it might be appropriate for the Millmead decision maker(s) who dictated this policy to clarify their motivation in this infantile gesture with an explanation to Guildford residents?

Editor’s note: It is not the local Conservative Party’s policy but the policy of the nine-member Conservative Group at Guildford Borough Council. The Guildford Conservative Association and individual Conservative members do not comply with the Group’s policy. Please see: Now Guildford’s Conservatives Put Themselves Out of Touch ‘Officially’

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Responses to Letter: Tory Non-communication Policy Speaks Volumes

  1. Keith Witham Reply

    September 12, 2019 at 6:12 pm

    A few months ago the Guildford Dragon asked me to supply an article on Surrey County Council matters, which I did. But it was never published, and despite several emails asking if it would be published I never had a reply, so I don’t know why it wasn’t or if The Dragon wants me to do the occasional article, as I have done in the past.

    Keith Witham is the Conservative county councillor for Worplesdon

    Editor’s response:

    Dear Councillor Witham,

    You are completely right and I sincerely apologise. The fault is mine alone, simply too many tasks to complete in the time I have, a reason but no excuse. Please do submit an article again at your convenience and I will ensure it is given priority. We very much value your updates on Surrey County Council.

    Of course, the direction, terminating communication, from Cllr Spooner only applies to the Conservative Group at GBC and does not apply to you or other Conservative councillors at Kingston who, I hope will continue to correspond freely, whenever they wish.

    Martin Giles

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