Fringe Box



Letter: Tunsgate Quarter – Bright Building With A Bright Future

Published on: 17 Mar, 2018
Updated on: 17 Mar, 2018

From Alan Cooper

Alice Fowler’s report is about the first accurate and unexaggerated account I have read of the opening day of Tunsgate Quarter. There were not huge crowds and many of the jumble sale gathering disappeared once they had their free drink, bag or ice cream.

But it is a bright building with a bright future and certainly an improvement on the previous building. A great pity that Guildford Borough Council is only the freeholders while the main profit will, I believe, be taken by a pension fund to which the site is leased.

Anyway, hopefully, the new attraction will, with the additional footfall it should bring to the pedestrianised area of Tunsgate (once it is eventually finished), help the smaller shops in Tunsgate who have suffered so much whilst this work goes on.


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Responses to Letter: Tunsgate Quarter – Bright Building With A Bright Future

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    March 22, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    Let’s hope that there are enough solvent businesses ready to take the leases on the rest of the Tunsgate shops.

    It’s sad to see Maplin going and also East, both in
    administration. B&Q may be next, they have already lost out to Bannings in Walton. Many shops are having mid-season sales, presumably because their sales are low.

    It make one wonder if GBC still thinks that a new shopping area off North Street is going to be an economic success.

  2. Ray Carlton Reply

    May 15, 2018 at 3:00 pm

    What a white elephant! I’ve just walked round the new Tunsgate Quarter fully two months after the grand opening and it still looks like a wasteland of boarded up shops.

    The “Exit to Tunsgate” on the first floor isn’t, as the footpath is blocked off, and a bevy of waiters is trying to ensnare casual shoppers for the only open restaurant.

    Several other walkers on the stairs said the same – it was much better before, when there was a cafeteria on the ground floor for a quick cuppa.

    Does Guildford Council really expect all the vacant premises to be filled in the current High Street climate?

  3. A. Atkinson Reply

    May 16, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    Yep, they also expect the massive planned expansion of the the retail footprint in the submitted local plan to also be filled!

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