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Letter: Well Done for Facing Up To the Awful Truth of Climate Change

Published on: 1 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 1 Sep, 2019

From BT Smith

In response to: This Is a Stark Climate Emergency, So Where’s the Radical Action?

I highly commend Hugh Coakley for taking action in light of the increasing severity of climate breakdown. For those who understand the full extent of the crisis, the fact that the world is hurtling toward irreversible climate tipping points, and the stark future this represents for younger generations, can be a horrifying truth to face.

It is all too easy to bury our heads in the sand. Some people choose this option because of fear. Some through an unwillingness to change our own lives. Some because we have been hoodwinked by a £multi-billion misinformation campaign by the fossil-fuel industry, honed through the previous tactics of the tobacco lobby (many of the same lobbying firms being involved).

Some among us may not agree with the methods of Extinction Rebellion, but none of us can deny that drastic action is desperately needed after 30 years of governments ignoring the crisis at the influence of oil and gas industry pressure.

For those who still do not understand the threat of a seemingly small rise in temperature I urge you to familiarise yourself with tipping points, which are the reason desperate action is required to prevent runaway snowball effect climate change (see:

I admire Hugh for harnessing the awful truth of the climate crisis to spur himself into action. With the very real threats of food shortage, flooding, and mass migration being the dominant factors affecting our near future.

I hope more of our fellow residents find the same courage to take action in fighting climate change and demand that the government put the futures of younger generations ahead of corporate profit.

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Responses to Letter: Well Done for Facing Up To the Awful Truth of Climate Change

  1. John Schluter Reply

    September 2, 2019 at 12:32 am

    Well said BT Smith. I worked in the refrigeration industry from the 70s onwards and saw the implementation of the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) phase-out. There was similar scepticism from deniers then, not dissimilar to John Armstrong’s response in this publication.

    The ozone layer is repairing but threats still remain and it will take many more years of restraint in order to return to parity.

    With regards to the CO2 damage being “a theory”, well I prefer to listen to scientists rather than politicians.

    I guess I haven’t had enough of experts.

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