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Letter: What Is So Secret It Cannot Be Divulged?

Published on: 4 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 4 Dec, 2019

From Gordon Bridger

Hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

In response to: Long Battle of Wisley Airfield Rumbles On As GBC Refuses Ockham FOI Request

It is with increasing astonishment and dismay that I read Guildford Borough Council is concerned that disclosure of documents in response to a request from Ockham Parish Council, “might discourage other landowners and potential developers from engaging in so-called frank discussions with GBC.”

What is so secret that cannot be divulged? If they are offering special inducements fine, let other developers know and us residents as well.

Meanwhile our councillors have imposed on themselves code of conduct which does not allow them to comment on a planning application until council officers allow them to do so at a Planning Committee meeting (incidentally this is contrary to guidance in the Government Localism Bill of 2016 which, at former council leader Paul Spooner’s request, I circulated to all councillors).

Our officers have a difficult task, but surely this case, for one of the largest development projects in our Local Plan, in which council papers, ostensibly originating from the council, have been revealed to have been written by agents of the developers, is the most controversial Guildford has seen?

This is an unprecedented situation. I cannot recall anything comparable in the 50 or so years I have been interested in the development and planning of Guildford.

One assumed that the May elections would have resulted in a different approach on these sort of issues but so far little seems to have changed.

What we need is an independent investigation by an eminent expert into the management of our Planning Department.

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Responses to Letter: What Is So Secret It Cannot Be Divulged?

  1. Julian Cranwell Reply

    December 4, 2019 at 1:56 pm

    As they will not reveal the truth, we can only assume they have something murky to hide from us.

  2. RWL Davies Reply

    December 4, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    Mr Bridger is correct and given his provenance he qualifies as an “expert witness”, whatever his politics are.

    The Wisley Airfield saga could be described as farcical but that is inappropriate as the development, which in some form is inevitable, bears upon many major issues, not the least of which are environmental considerations and trust in local government.

  3. Albert Ross Reply

    December 4, 2019 at 6:23 pm

    Gordon Bridger is absolutely right. Such a position is indefensible and contradicts all the assertions made by the council concerning transparency. In some ways, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    Those who have lived in this town for many years have been depressed with the performance of the Planning Department. Guildford could be a gem of a town in terms of urban design, but those responsible for planning and conservation have a lamentable lack of awareness of what is happening in other towns and cities around Europe in terms of making them high-quality environments that contribute to a healthy and sustainable quality of life.

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