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Lib Dem Candidate Shows She Is Ready To Hold The Balance of Power

Published on: 22 Apr, 2015
Updated on: 22 Apr, 2015

“Just keep looking ahead!” is the advice from Olga and Vladimir from the Moscow State Circus.

Guildford’s Lib Dem candidate for Westminster showed her skills at holding the balance of power this morning (April 22) with the help of the Moscow State Circus.

33-year-old Kelly-Marie Blundell’s only previous experience has been walking the political tightrope between left and right.

She said: “I have never even done anything like this before, not even gymnastics.

“It was absolutely terrifying but not so bad after the first fall. Actually, it was easier than I thought.”

Lib Dem Circus 5

“Absolutely terrifying… but easier than I thought.”

The politician was given guidance and support from Olga and Vladimir from the circus. One other circus artist looking on said: “This is the way we normally train for the high wire.”

Lib Dem Circus 4

Moscow State Circus high wire artist Olga demonstrates how a fan can be used for extra balance.

Present at the event were photographers from several national papers. Circus manager Paul Archer said: “This is the biggest election news story this morning. It is bigger even than Boris Johnson.” Boris Johnson was campaigning with the Prime Minister, David Cameron this morning.

Photographers from several national papers came to the event.

Photographers from several national papers came to the event.

Unlike Boris at a 2012 Olympic publicity event, Kelly-Marie was not left helplessly dangling and finished to pose with members of the circus. Whether she will run off to the circus if she loses out at the election remains to be seen.

Kelly Marie posing with members of the circus troupe.

Job done, Kelly-Marie poses with members of the circus troupe.

Offering encouragement circus director, John Haze said: “With a little more time we could definitely have got Kelly-Marie to walk the rope without assistance.”

The Moscow State Circus is performing at Stoke Park from today 22nd April to Sunday 26th.

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Responses to Lib Dem Candidate Shows She Is Ready To Hold The Balance of Power

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    April 22, 2015 at 8:20 pm

    In the interests of political balance, should not all the candidates be shown performing their expertise in circus acts?

    Good point Ms Bedforth and when any of the others wish to demonstrate how they can: clown about, put their heads into a lion’s mouth, juggle, swing this way and that on a trapeze, throw knives, or perform acrobatics we’ll happily report it.

    Of course, there are those that might say that one or two of these skills are alrady regularly demonstrated by some of our politicians. Ed.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    April 24, 2015 at 7:25 am

    I believe the Tories have been clowning about for the past five years, given their complete shambles of the daft Local Plan.

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