Kelly-Marie Blundell, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Guildford, has called on MP Anne Milton to support an amendment on introducing a cycling investment strategy to the infrastructure bill going through Parliament.
The amendment, tabled by Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, calls for a “Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy” through the Secretary of State, and to update Parliament on its development annually.
Kelly-Marie, a passionate cyclist herself, said: “Surrey is the heartland of British cycling, and supporting this amendment will demonstrate a greater commitment to cycling infrastructure in Guildford and beyond.
“Our roads, well documented to be in a terrible state, are mainly lacking in cycle paths, full of dangers that result in cycling accidents on a regular basis and cyclists are squeezed off the road all too often.
“A national Cycling Investment Strategy will help support those of us who like a quick ride to work, and those who like 50 mile round trips, as well as benefiting health and local communities.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Graham Richings
January 29, 2015 at 12:12 pm
In reply to Kelly-Marie Blundell, she will no doubt have noticed that Anne Milton often cycles to meetings locally and is also keen on this mode of transport.
She failed to mention that. I wonder why?
Ngaire Wadman
January 29, 2015 at 10:58 pm
As a previously a keen cyclist-commuter, I applaud any improvement to the roads that will enable bicycles and motorised traffic to co-exist more peacefully.
If this could be accompanied by some kind of cycling protocol or instruction in the Highway Code, to alleviate the irritation of motorists when forced to swerve or simply dawdle along thanks to a road-blocking flock of cyclists, it’d be even more welcome.
Starting with “Don’t Block Country Lanes forcing motorists to dawdle along behind at 10mph and then expect them to be pleasant”.