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Local Councillor Has Controversial EU Petition Taken Down

Published on: 18 Oct, 2016
Updated on: 18 Oct, 2016
Holliday Brexit

Cllr Christian Holliday (centre) campaigning for Brexit in June (2016).

A controversial petition, created by a Guildford councillor, which called for those who want to rejoin the EU to be deemed guilty of treason, has been removed from the UK Government and Parliament website.

Guildford Borough councillor, Christian Holliday (Burpham) was suspended from the Conservative group at Millmead over a petition yesterday but this evening contacted The Guildford Dragon to say: “The Petitions Committee has removed my petition. I made this request [to have the petition removed] in an effort to heal rifts locally.”

“It was aimed to generate a debate over possible backsliding on Brexit, which it did. However, I do regret some of the tone and for using my title as councillor, which may have implied some connection to the [Conservative] group or the council and I regret any offence caused.”

The petition called for legislation, dating from the mid 19th century, to be amended to make supporting UK membership of the EU a treasonable offence.

The petition has attracted support from all over the UK.

The petition attracted support from all over the UK – the darker the shade, the more signatures from the are depicted.

Following publicity in the national media the number of signatures, originating from all over the country, increased from under 100 to over 4,500, before the petition was taken down.

The petition called for: “The Treason Felony Act be amended to include the following offences:

‘To imagine, devise, promote, work, or encourage others, to support UK becoming a member of the European Union:

To conspire with foreign powers to make the UK, or part of the UK, become a member of the EU.’”

The petition goes on to say: “It is becoming clear that many politicians and others are unwilling to accept the democratic decision of the British people to leave the EU. Brexit must not be put at risk in the years and decades ahead. For this reason we the undersigned request that the Treason Felony Act be amended as set out in this petition.”

The petition as it appeared on the UK Government and Parliament website earlier today (October 18). The amount of signatures exceeded 4,500 before it was removed.

The petition as it appeared on the UK Government and Parliament website earlier today (October 18). The amount of signatures exceeded 4,500 before it was removed.

What appears to have been a tongue in cheek attempt to garner support those who feel there might be a risk of backsliding over Brexit seems to have back-fired. Reaction from some local politicians was swift and culminated in a call for Cllr Holliday’s resignation.

Yesterday he was suspended after he failed to respond to the council leader’s request to speak to him on the matter by 11am.

Holliday EU petition

The message displayed this evening (October 18) for those searching for the petition

It is understood that the point at issue was that tweets were made by Cllr Holliday from his account identifying him as a Conservative councillor, rather than in his capacity as a private individual.

Christian Holliday said yesterday: “I respect the [Conservative] group leader’s decision to suspend me from the group, which he is perfectly entitled to do and I look forward to addressing the group when it next meets. I stress the petition is my own and not connected to the group of Guildford Borough Council as a body.

“I’m pleased the petition has stimulated debate over this important matter, at all levels. The result of the referendum on 23rd June must be respected by all.”

According to The Guardian the petition was brought to the attention of the prime minister. A Downing Street spokeswoman is reported to have said: “Different people will chose their words differently. The prime minister is very clear that the British people have made their decision.”

Cllr Holliday  deleted  tweets he made linking to his petition, and Guildford Borough Council leader Paul Spooner tweeted the news at he has been suspended.

David Pillinger, a local organiser of the “Remain” campaign said: “As a councillor and head of the “Leave” campaign in Guildford, one would also expect balance in Mr Holliday’s assessment of how to carry himself. He is a man in positions of responsibility.

“To imply in his petition that about half, or possibly now over half, of the UK population may be subject to imprisonment or even the death penalty for treason if they were to speak of the value of the EU is undemocratic, aggressive and not worthy of an elected representative.

“I am afraid, however, that his behaviour aligns with that of many Brexiteers who campaigned with false promises and untruths during the campaign.”

During the EU Referendum campaign Christian Holliday wrote a series of opinion pieces for The Guildford Dragon NEWS.

See also: Lib Dems Call on Local MP to Disassociate Herself From Controversial Petition and Letter: Cllr Holliday Should Resign


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Responses to Local Councillor Has Controversial EU Petition Taken Down

  1. David Wragg Reply

    October 19, 2016 at 12:33 pm

    While I voted ‘Leave’, the referendum and the results have been very divisive, which is unhealthy in a democracy. Cllr Holliday’s idea only makes matters worse.

    Yes, there is a risk of back-sliding, but this isn’t the way to stiffen the resolves of the prime minister and those ministers charged with making our departure from the EU work.

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