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Opinion: Local Scots Give Views on the Referendum…

Published on: 21 Sep, 2014
Updated on: 23 Sep, 2014

tattered union flag 280This week has been tumultuous for the political and constitutional scene in the whole United Kingdom. The Union survives but political changes in all parts of the UK now seem inevitable. The Scottish diaspora is global and, of course, Guildford has its fair share. What do they think of the referendum result? The Guildford Dragon has asked a few and it hopes others will add their comments…

From Richard Wilson – Guildford’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Labour Party

Opinion Logo 2I woke up on Friday morning feeling proud to be Scottish. My friends and family in Scotland were evenly split between noes and yeses but they all voted for what they believed would bring a fairer, more equal society.

Personally, I think the best way achieve that is to remain part of the UK and keep solidarity with the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Change is coming, change for the better, and change for everyone now, north and south of the border.

From Don Johnston – former Argyle & Sutherland Highlander and Journalist

I was born a Scot; I will die a damned proud Scot. And I deeply resented the shoddy referendum rules Alex Salmond installed to prevent me voting, just because I live outside Scotland, on the future and welfare of my native land. The inclusion of voting privileges for the approximately 100,000 aged 16-plus was despicable, attempting to inflame easily influenced, politically unaware teenagers in Braveheart-style patriot fervour.

Salmond’s SNP had summarily dismissed the votes of Scotland’s proud premier contribution to the modern world: my country’s exiles, of which I am one, forced out through lack of local opportunity or career progress, as were previous generations, to seek success throughout the world. Those generations of exiles have brought Scottish skills, ideas, exploration, technologies and wealth to benefit world-wide communities for hundreds of years, and we deserved recognition in supporting our native land.

Why were we excluded from the future of Scotland? How dare Salmond dismiss us?

That man, in his welcomed retirement from the front line of Scottish politics, has much to answer for: if he has a conscience about driving a reckless Lochaber axe into 1707?

John Service  – IT Consultant

Scottish people are very patriotic, but historically have not been strong Nationalists. This vote on independence has been the result of Westminster rule under Thatcher and Blair for nearly 25 years, which disillusioned Scottish people‎, universally, about the current political system. Alex Salmond was the main benefactor of this discontent.

Thankfully, the country voted to remain in the union. But they want control of their own governance,  by their own people. I think the parliamentary and political system in the UK needs to change in order to survive. Devolution for Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland is essential, with a reconstructed house in Westminster to facilitate over pan-UK policy where there needs to be a shared agenda.

Loved the fact Gordon Brown saved the debate in the latter stages.

What do you think? What was your reaction to the result?  What will be the impact of the referendum result in other parts of the UK? If you are a Scot living in Guildford Borough, please send in your comment, using the ‘Leave a Reply’ feature below to be added to this article.

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