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Mayor Opens Up ‘Glimpses of Guildford’

Published on: 12 Mar, 2012
Updated on: 12 Mar, 2012

The Exhibition ‘Glimpses of Guildford’! by the much respected local artist Boris Fajilkowski, was opened on Friday evening (9 Mar), at the Guildford House Gallery by the Mayor, Cllr Terence Patrick. The exhibition has been organised by the Guildford Society.

As Boris bottom left, looks on, the Mayor, Terence Patrick, formally opens the exhibition

Members of the Society and invited guests previewed the exhibition which features Boris’ paintings and drawings of Guildford scenes complemented by a display of some of his wartime drawings, completed when Boris a teenager, had been exiled from Lvov (then in Poland) to Siberia with his mother.

The drawings prompted conversation and much admiration

The Mayor said that Boris had started drawing as a young child and his paintings now formed a much valued collection and record of Guildford as it is, and as it has been throughout the post war decades.

Many of the prints can be purchased.

The exhibition is in the wood panelled rear gallery and in the first floor of the brew house

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