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Meet Lord Sebastian Coe at Waterstones Bookshop This Saturday

Published on: 28 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 28 Nov, 2012

Lord Sebastian Coe will be at Waterstones bookshop in Guildford High Street on Saturday, December 1, signing copies of his autobiography Running My Life.

The Olympic legend and the man behind what is now seen as the UK’s greatest ever summer of sport, the London 2012 Games, will be signing copies of his new book that tells the full story of his amazing career.

The events organiser at Waterstones Guildford, Cara Fielder, said: “We are all incredibly excited to have Seb Coe coming to see us. The Olympics united the entire country and we’re expecting a lot of people will come out to meet him.”

This is a non-ticketed event and Lord Coe will be signing books from 12.30pm. More details from the store on 01483 536366.

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