Fringe Box



Merrow Dramatic Society Launches New Season With Canterbury Tales

Published on: 14 Oct, 2012
Updated on: 14 Oct, 2012

Merrow Dramatic Society (MDS) launches its new season of productions with the modernised version of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales at the Electric Theatre, Guildford, from Wednesday, October 31, to Saturday, November 3.

The MDS cast of Canterbury Tales.

The tales are outrageously funny but still maintain the spirit of the original to the extent of delivering some lines in authentic 14th century English.

Jenny Pegman plays the miller and the narrator.

A total of 25 roles are played by eight very experienced members of the company  under the direction of Sandra Billinge.  Rehearsals have been fast paced with much fun had by all. In fact, “600” years later and they’re still laughing  – a very good sign indeed!

Alison Davey plays Scholar, Queen and Proserpine.

An MDS spokesman said: “Whether you are a fan of the Canterbury Tales or a school studying these works as part of your syllabus or are just new to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer – why don’t you come along to see our production for a super night out!”

Performances start at 8pm. Tickets are £11.50  (£10.50 concessions and friends of the Electric Theatre). All seats on the preview night, Wednesday, October 31, are £10.

Call the friendly box office staff on 01483 444789 who will be only too happy to help you make your booking.

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Responses to Merrow Dramatic Society Launches New Season With Canterbury Tales

  1. Diane Maxfield

    October 26, 2012 at 3:44 pm

    I’ve just noticed that another member of the cast has nicked one of my costumes (still, my Wyf of Bath costume) is a lot warmer for standing around in graveyards! Off the shoulder? Never! Winter draws on!