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Milford X-ray Closure Plan Dropped and New Study Mounted

Published on: 2 Apr, 2019
Updated on: 4 Apr, 2019

X-ray image. Wikipedia.

Health service leaders are analysing x-ray use in the community to decide how best to meet present and future demand in the Guildford and Waverley area.

After public objections, plans to close the x-ray service at Milford Hospital with a new unit being opened at Cranleigh Hospital, have been cancelled by the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The Trust is working with NHS Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group on a data-driven assessment of what x-ray capacity is needed and where that could be provided.

Both the Trust and the CCG have committed to involving stakeholders after demand and capacity have been thoroughly analysed. This is expected to take several weeks.

Milford Hospital

Angela Riga, chief of service for diagnostics and clinical support services and a consultant surgeon at Royal Surrey, said: “The suggestion about the closure of the x-ray service at Milford was raised some time ago.

“We recognise things have changed and we need to work closely with those involved, including the League of Friends and other stakeholders, as we look again at the best way to provide community x-rays.”

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Responses to Milford X-ray Closure Plan Dropped and New Study Mounted

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    April 3, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    This is good news. Milford x-ray department is efficient and friendly. The staff are helpful and discreet. The buildings could do with a makeover, but do not detract at all from the service that Milford offers.

  2. Christine Philp Reply

    April 5, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    Delighted the x-ray service at Milford hospital has been saved.

    Unfortunately, it won’t be the last time we have to rally to maintain services. Every few years the powers that be, be they CCG, hospital trust or whatever reincarnation they return as, tried to close one part or another at Milford Hospital. We need to lobby for more services to be located on the site to protect its future. Otherwise, it will become a site for housing development.

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