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More Praise For the Council Workers Who Keep Guildford’s Daily Life Running

Published on: 13 Apr, 2020
Updated on: 17 Apr, 2020

During these uncertain times, the borough council continues to shine a light on our #GBCHeroes, working hard to keep the borough running for our residents.

#GBCHeroes – Waste Operations

Another lovely message from a resident thanking all our “Wheely Bin Men” who ensure essential services remain fully operational.

#GBCHeroes at the Spectrum

Some of our great Millmead staff have been redeployed to the Spectrum, putting together food parcels for those in the community who are most vulnerable. The staff take time to write messages on the boxes being distributed across the county.

Facebook message

Everyone is really proud of the work the teams are doing. One resident commented on Facebook, tagging the council so we could see his admiration.

#GBC Heroes – Parks Teams

Comments sent in show how the Parks teams have worked to get the castle grounds in beautiful condition. “I went for a run a couple of days ago and went through the Castle grounds. Thank you for making my morning.

“The flowers looked amazing. I loved the types and colour combinations and they all happened to be looking perfect in the sunshine. Nice work all gardeners of the grounds.”

Thanks to Mary, a local resident, for this lovely message celebrating our Parks Team: 
”We’d just like to say how beautiful the Castle grounds have been looking this week and what a joy they have been to walk through for our daily exercise.

“Please thank all those who make this amazing pleasure for us. With Wisley Gardens shut, we are so lucky to have our own Wisley to stroll around.”

See also: Escape From the Lockdown Blues With a Dragon Tour of the Castle Grounds’ Reds!

#GBC Heroes – Comms Team

From The Dragon : And we’d like to add our own note of appreciation to the GBC Comms Team who are promptly responding to our enquiries regardless of normal office hours. Good local communication of public information is especially important during the emergency.

See also: Dragon Interview – GBC MD Says He Is So Proud of His Council Colleagues

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Responses to More Praise For the Council Workers Who Keep Guildford’s Daily Life Running

  1. P Robson Reply

    April 14, 2020 at 9:34 am

    Just to say a big thank you to all the GBC staff for all their efforts during this difficult time. From all the residents in Scott Close. Thanks.

  2. Brian Holt Reply

    April 14, 2020 at 10:20 pm

    I agree with Mr Robson. A big thank you to all the GBC staff, who have kept the services going, especially collecting recycling and household rubbish on their normal day, and all the staff preparing and delivering the meals on wheels to the elderly every day.

    Thank you all from another Scott Close resident.

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