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MP Urges Communities To Apply For Funding To Mark First World War Centenary

Published on: 7 Aug, 2013
Updated on: 7 Aug, 2013
With a year to go until we mark the centenary of the UK entering the First World War, Guildford MP Anne Milton is urging constituents to consider applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for community projects to learn more about the First World War.
Planting a peace tree in Guildford's Castle Grounds in 1919.

Planting a peace tree in Guildford’s Castle Grounds in 1919.

HLF is making at least £1 million a year available until 2019 as part of the First World War: then and now programme for small, community grants. It will provide grants of £3,000 to £10,000, giving groups right across the UK to explore, conserve and share their First World War heritage and deepen their understanding of the impact of the conflict.

Successful projects will include:
  • researching, identifying and recording local heritage;
  • creating a community archive or collection;
  • developing new interpretation of heritage through exhibitions, trails, smartphone apps etc;
  • researching, writing and performing creative material based on heritage sources;
  • conserving and finding out more about war memorials
Guildford MP Anne Milton

Guildford MP Anne Milton

Anne said: “I am very pleased that the Heritage Lottery Fund is making this money available locally. Like many areas across the UK, the impact of the First World War on the people of Guildford was extensive. For those who want to find out more about its legacy or who wish to mark the Centenary, then please do get in touch with HLF.”

HLF has already invested more than £15 million in projects – large and small – that will mark the centenary of First World War. If a group have a project idea, an online application pack is available.  
If a group needs a grant of more than £10,000 for a First World War project, it can apply to HLF through its open programmes. Click here for details.

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