Do you have a few hours to spare and would like to volunteer and befriend older people and vulnerable adults who are lonely or isolated?
Those you will be helping may simply yearn for someone to drop by to have chat with, or help them to go out to do a bit of shopping, or go with them to a day centre.
Neighbourhood Angels is operating throughout the borough of Guildford with the long-term aim of reducing dependency on health and social services by utilising volunteers and community services.
Its co-ordinator, Rachel Guilford, said: “Our volunteers will get to know them and offer to take them out, although that may not be straight away as the people we will be helping may lack confidence and may have lost contact with society.
“The aim is that volunteers will sign up for a set number of months to make sure there is continuity with those they are befriending.”
Volunteers who become Neighbourhood Angels will receive guidance on listening skills, training on safeguarding and advice on helping people reconnect with their communities.
Volunteers will be matched with people who will benefit the most from their life skills. For example, it may be a volunteer who has experience of someone with dementia in their own family, or who shares a common interest with the person they befriend.
For those interested in volunteering, a befriending training day is being held on Saturday, June 27, from 10am to 3.30pm. This free workshop (with lunch and refreshments provided) is open to anyone over the age of 18. It is taking place at the Park Barn Centre, Park Barn Drive, Guildford GU2 8EN.
To book or to find out more contact Rachel Guilford on 07796 098077. Or email her at
Neighbourhood Angels is being facilitated by the Diocese of Guildford’s Community Engagement Team and is funded by Guildford Borough Council.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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