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Nepalese Community’s Successful Hike In Guildford’s Hills

Published on: 8 Aug, 2014
Updated on: 8 Aug, 2014

Report by Navaraj Ghale, chairman of the Sunrise Gurkha Sports Club

Active Life Hiking in Guildford Hills is an eagerly awaited event organised each year by the local Sunrise Gurkha Sports Club (SGSC).

Members of Guildford's Nepalese community having a great day hiking in the hills around Guildford.

Members of Guildford’s Nepalese community having a great day hiking in the hills around Guildford.

It was successfully completed by 53 participants from the Guildford Nepalese community on July 26.  The challenging 10-mile hike was widely embraced by people of various age groups.

The weather was hot, with almost all taking part well prepared to face the conditions to make the event a success. The group met in the car park in Millbrook at 11am. The day began by an introductory speech by the chairman of the SGSC, Navaraj Ghale, and Mani Chandra, its vice-chairman.

The youth group was led by the club’s general secretary Robin Gurung and vice-president Sisir Ghale. The veterans and senior groups were led by SGSC’s vice-chairman Mani Chandra Rai and supported by other volunteers.

Hiking through the beautiful countryside in hot conditions.

Hiking through the beautiful countryside in hot conditions.

Hikers who had never visited the hills and countryside around Guildford before were amazed by the landscape. Photos were taken along the way as each checkpoint was passed.

Everyone was so happy and cheerful. Someone said: “The wind gusting around and the chirping of people made the moment just wonderful as no one seemed to be tired.”

Taking a break.

Taking a break.

We all sat down for a short break at Newlands Corner. Food, soft drinks and bottles of water were provided by club advisor Raju Ghale, the UK Body Buiilding Club, the International Napalese Taekwondo Association UK and Guildford’s Royal Gurkha Restaurant located in Broadstreet, Rydes Hill.

Lunch is about to be served.

Lunch is about to be served.

On reaching the fourth checkpoint at about 2.30pm, most of the hikers were tired and hungry. SGSC team leaders were waiting for them to join them for the lunch that was ready to be served. Afterwards, there was a tug of war contest!

At the end of the hike all those who took part thanked the organising committee.

Also see the Sunrise Gurkha Sports Club’s website and its Facebook page.

The tug of war contest.

The tug of war contest.


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