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New Deputy Chief Constable for Surrey Police

Published on: 14 Jun, 2013
Updated on: 15 Jun, 2013
The new Deputy Chief Constable for Surrey Police Nick Ephgrave

The new Deputy Chief Constable for Surrey Police Nick Ephgrave

A Metropolitan Police officer and life-long Surrey resident, described as a strategic thinker with extensive operational experience, has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief Constable of Surrey Police.

Commander Nick Ephgrave is currently responsible for Crime, Criminal Justice, Capability and Support in the capital.

Chief Constable Lynne Owens said: “We had an extremely high calibre quality of candidates, putting them all through a very thorough process to make sure we got the best person to fulfill the role. He will be an asset to the force and Surrey’s management team.”

Cdr Ephgrave has extensive policing experience, including as the Borough Commander for Lambeth – one of London’s most challenging boroughs, he has worked nationally for the Association of Chief Police Officers on the design, implementation and command of the National Counter Terrorism Coordination Centre, as well as having worked as Senior Investigating Officer for homicides within the Met’s Specialist Crime Command.

Speaking about the appointment he said: “I am absolutely delighted to be selected as the new Deputy Chief Constable for Surrey. I’m really looking forward to the prospect of working with the Chief Constable, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the wider Surrey team to help ensure the force is able to overcome the budget and change challenges ahead whilst delivering on the People’s Priorities of putting the Surrey public at the heart of everything we do.”

The Chief Constable, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and an independent person sourced through the College of Policing were on the interviewing panel.

Kevin Hurley, Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “I was pleased to be invited by the Chief Constable to join the interview panel for this very important role. I was able to see at first-hand the quality of the candidates who applied, all of whom were highly impressive. I have no doubt that Nick Ephgrave will serve Surrey well as your Deputy Chief Constable. I look forward to working with him.”

Nick was born in Redhill and lives on the east of the county in Tandridge. The start date for his appointment will be confirmed shortly.

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