Formal bids have been received from all three short-listed developers who are competing to be selected to deliver the proposed North Street revamp a key town centre site project for Guildford.
This follows on from December’s well attended stakeholder engagement event with Land Securities, Lend Lease and Queensberry.
Lead Councillor for Town Centre Planning, Cllr James Palmer, says: “We are delighted that all three short-listed developers have committed to the next stage in the selection process and submitted formal bids. They represent the UK’s best in class for development and all have the experience and expertise to develop this important site to support Guildford’s thriving economy now and into the future.
“The council’s evaluation panel will now review the submitted bids, consider the valuable feedback about the candidates from the stakeholder event in December and take into account other comments received during the selection process. This includes interviews and visits made to other projects promoted by the developers.
“Choosing the right candidate is crucial, as they will need to understand the aspirations of the community and local business, as well as the Council’s commitment to support the strength and vitality of our borough.
“There will be plenty of opportunity for further engagement with local people and stakeholders after selection of the preferred developer. We encourage everyone to give us their views and help shape and regenerate this important part of the town.”
Cllr Caroline Reeves (Lib Dem, Friary & St Nicolas) said: “The visits made by members of the evaluation panel to see the town centre schemes of the three short-listed developers were both interesting and helpful.
“We were able to walk around the sites with a team from the developers plus the councillors and officers who were involved in the creation and progress of the schemes. Problems and pitfalls were highlighted and we can use this information together with the feedback from the stakeholders, who have also met the developers, when we assess the bids.”
The council’s evaluation panel will recommend a preferred developer to the council’s Executive at its meeting on March 28.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
February 5, 2013 at 11:11 pm
While I welcome this project, just when are we going to get rid of the Dracula killers the “stake holders”?
I am not a stake holder nor a steak holder for I am neither a garden fencer nor butcher. But I am a member of the community. It’s time we stopped using inappropriate wording and say it like it is. The council will be consulting the local community and the business community. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether they take notice of us is another thing.