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North Street Developers Meet The Locals

Published on: 12 Dec, 2012
Updated on: 14 Dec, 2012

North_Street_Design Doc Cover croppedMore than 60 local representatives were given the chance to meet short-listed North Street developers at an event organised by Guildford Borough Council on Monday evening (December 10).

According to a council spokesperson, the meeting was arranged: “to give an opportunity for local stakeholders to meet representatives from Land Securities, Lend Lease and Queensberry Real Estate. This is part of the process to select a development partner for the key North Street site in Guildford town centre.”

The three short-listed developers shared their knowledge and experience and discussed their views on Guildford and its future. The invited audience included people attending on behalf of local businesses,  residents’ associations and community groups.

Cllr, James Palmer, Lead Councillor for Town Centre Planning says “It is crucial that community and business stakeholders from across the borough have the chance to meet these companies and understand their approaches to the North Street development. Their valuable feedback will also help us to decide who will become our development partner for this important site.”

The Council will announce its preferred developer in late March 2013. As part of the planning process, the selected company will hold a number of public engagement events to ensure the site plans take into account the views of the wider community.

Cllr Palmer concluded: “The impressive turnout at Monday’s event demonstrates just how important this project is to local people. We encourage everyone to get involved and give us their views at future public events.”

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