A free programme to being offered to help people struggling to find employment.
It is being offered by The Lighthouse, a Woking-based project that supports, encourages, and empower people “who find themselves on the margins”.
The career coaching programme is being called LaunchPad, and The Lighthouse says: “We have two brilliant professional coaches that will offer one-to-one sessions to help rethink goals, skills, expectations, aspirations and motives.
“And five group face-to-face sessions which include confidence building, presence, resilience, self-esteem, interview technique and re-writing your story.
“It is for any age and all abilities as long as the person is in a position to work. It’s an intimate (six to 10 people) bespoke programme adapted for whoever attends and runs every four weeks.
“It’s a fantastic programme, run by people who really care, part of an overarching scheme called Love Your Neighbour that was set up during the first lockdown.”
For more details send an email to: launchpad@lighthouseguildford.org
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Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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