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Olympic Flame Route Through Guildford is Revealed

Published on: 20 Mar, 2012
Updated on: 27 Mar, 2012

The route that the Olympic Flame will take through Guildford has, this morning, been announced.

Guildford Borough Council has revealed that the Olympic Torch Relay Convoy will arrive by the entrance to the roundabout near the cathedral just before 6.15pm, on Friday, July 20.

Torchbearers will then carry the Olympic Flame along The Chase, Madrid Road, Guildford Park Road, Farnham Road, Bridge Street, Millbrook, High Street, London Road and on to Stoke Park.

At Stoke Park there will be a family-focused celebration to welcome the Olympic Flame.

Earlier, the Olympic Flame will arrive in Shere at approximately 4.55pm, and will be carried by torchbearers along Gomshall Lane and Upper Street. It will then be driven to Godalming for its next stage, before, it is believed, driven to Guildford.

The council’s press release states that a free ticketed celebration event at Stoke Park will be a “thrilling and historic day, and will give local people and visitors the chance to share the Olympic spirit, enjoy exciting entertainment and welcome the Olympic Flame to Surrey”.

The Olympic Torch Relay route can be viewed in full at This gives street-by-street details and proposed start times for when the Olympic Flame will travel through Shere and Guildford.

Councillor Jen Powell, lead councillor for culture and leisure and portfolio holder for London 2012, said: “The Torch Relay offers a great opportunity for residents and visitors to see the Olympic Flame and be part of this historic spectacle.

“We encourage local communities to line the streets and celebrate together. We are also hosting Surrey’s only torch celebration event at Stoke Park.

“There will be an exciting stage show and lots of sports, arts and other activities to try out and enjoy.”

An average of 115 torchbearers a day will carry the Olympic Flame during its 8,000 mile journey around the UK before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium on July 27 for the lighting of the cauldron at the opening ceremony, signifying the official start of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

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