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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.147

By Malcolm Fincham Breaking free from the battleship-like chains that hold me so dear to Surrey, an opportunity came my way when most of our migrating birds had passed though…

Photo Enthusiasts Hold Their Fourth Guildford Exhibition

The Harvey Road Gallery in Guildford is set to host the fourth exhibition by a small group of photographers who live in Surrey. This year they have again included friends…

Effingham Eye: Village Communities Unite to Celebrate Harvest Festival

By Chris Dick So much has happened over the summer that at one point my editor joked (at least I hope he joked) that he was worried we would have…

The Great Storm That Wreaked Havoc 30 Years Ago Across The County

By David Rose Thirty years ago (October 16, 1987) southern England witnessed a storm that is still remembered to this day. Trees were uprooted and power lines were brought down.…

Richard’s Wey October 2017

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations The sunny spells and showers of September meant that the vegetation had been growing vigorously, with the locksides…

Book Review: The Optician of Lampedusa

By Alice Fowler Four years ago, an optician living on the Italian island of Lampedusa went on a boat trip. From the sea he heard cries which at first he…

Controversy Expected As Full Council Discusses China Link and Complaints Hearing

Two controversial subjects are due to be debated at tonight’s (October 10) full council meeting of Guildford Borough Council – the proposed link with the Chinese city of Dongying and…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.146

By Malcolm Fincham The second half of my September diary included a couple of trips to Farlington Marshes near Portsmouth. These visits allowed me comparisons of ‘latest’ sightings there, as…

Make A Date For Lions’ Fireworks – Saturday, November 4

Guildford Lions Club’s popular annual charity torchlight procession and fireworks display in Stoke Park will take place once again, but with a number of important changes this year. The procession and…

Letter: Democracy in Guildford Seems To Be Something from the Past

From Fiona Curtis I too watched the webcast of the complaints hearing with Cllr David Reeve as the “subject member” and wondered whether I had slipped through some sort of…