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Police Warning Over New Fraudster Scam

Surrey Police issued an urgent warning, just after midnight this morning (October 6), to residents, particularly in Guildford and Woking, to remain vigilant following a recent spate of scams involving…

Second ‘Stepped Back’ Director Leaves GBC – Council Wishes Him Well

By Martin Giles The final senior director in place at Guildford Borough Council when there was an £18.5 million overspend on a Housing Maintenance contract has left the council. Ian…

£18.5m HRA Overspend Investigations Plod On One Year After Suspensions and Sackings

By Martin Giles Investigations into an £18.5 million housing maintenance contract overspend continue at Guildford Borough Council and Surrey Police with no end apparently in sight, twelve months on from…

Former Surrey Police Officer Alleged To Have Stabbed Herself

A former Surrey Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) will be appearing in court this week charged with multiple offences, following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct. Ex-PCSO…

The New Joint Strategic Directors at Guildford and Waverley Councils

By Martin Giles As announced in our Borough Council News in Brief article, Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils have appointed two new permanent strategic directors to help lead the officer…

Only 10 per cent of Pothole Claims Paid Out by Surrey County Council

By Emily Dalton local democracy reporter Pothole damage has given rise to 5,619 claims for compensation from Surrey residents to the county council since May 2021. Since the last local…

Regulator Finds ‘Serious Failings’ in GBC’s Council Housing Safety Compliance

By Emily Dalton local democracy reporter Guildford Borough Council (GBC) has failed to meet new rules on social housing, a judgement has ruled. The report published by the Regulator for…

Conservative Councillor Says Collaboration with Waverley ‘Going Badly’

By Chris Caulfield local democracy reporter The tie-up between Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils focused “almost exclusively on savings to the exclusion of improvement in services and outcomes for the…

What More Does the Solace Report Tell Us About the Housing Revenue Account Investigation?

Following the complex story of the Housing Revenue Account investigation is difficult especially as GBC has been so reticent. Recent publication of the Solace Housing Governance Review has provided more…

Letter: The Lib Dem Council Leader Should Go But a Tory Administration is Not The Answer

From: Mark Stamp In response to: Council Leader Apologises Following Publication of Damning Report on GBC Ensuring governance and scrutiny is effective is the responsibility of the council Executive, not…