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Letter: Debenhams Site Must Not Be Left Dormant

From: Chris Marsh (RIBA) In response to: Debenhams Faces Demolition As People Asked How They Want It Rebuilt I agree with Julie Verity and Lyn Willis that this important site…

Letter: Not Considering Barge Transportation Is Another Missed Opportunity

From: Ramsey Nagaty Former GGG borough councillor for Shalford In response to: I Hope My Pessimism About the Debenhams Demolition Is Unfounded My proposal to use barges on the River…

Opinion: Why Guildford Needs Heights Control Policies

By Nic Allen The Guildford Society We can now see the reality of the Solum Guildford Station redevelopment and the inappropriateness of high buildings in Guildford Centre. The first part…

Letter: I Apologise Unreservedly – Cllr Hunt Was Not Responsible for Building Heights Decision

From: Julian Lyon R4GV candidate for Stoke in the forthcoming GBC election I am writing to apologise unreservedly to Cllr Tom Hunt. In my haste to respond to the relentless…

Opinion: After the Disappointing Debenhams Plan Result, Here’s My Plan for Opening Up the Wey

By Roger Hymas It was a big disappointment for those of us who objected to the Debenhams redevelopment on the grounds of heritage and height, to lose, and gallingly, by…

Letter: The Concept of a Theatre Bridge to Connect the Riverside is Not Flawed

By John Rigg lead borough councillor for Regeneration and R4GV ward councillor for Holy Trinity I was sorry to see my friend David Ogilvie’s letter (I Would Prefer Less Height…

Climate and Heritage Are Reasons to ‘Rescue Debenhams Building’ Says National Campaign Group

By Hugh Coakley Debenhams should be rescued from demolition. This is the message from historic buildings campaigners, SAVE Britain’s Heritage who are calling for department stores around the country, including…

Letter: We Can’t Give Up on Controlling Building Heights in Guildford

From: Nic Allen Guildford Society member In response to: Dragon Interview – Council Leader I was interested to hear the comments of Joss Bigmore in the Dragon interview, about Debenhams/”St…

Dragon Interview – Council Leader Spells Out What is Being Done to Improve Caller Wait Times

 In the latest “round up” interview GBC Council Leader Joss Bigmore covers another range of topics in his interview with Dragon editor Martin Giles. Subjects covered are: GBC caller…

Letter: Proposed Debenhams Replacement Would Not Be an Improvement

From: Adam Aaronson In response to: Town Split Over St Mary’s Wharf As Historic England Accuses Developer of “Flawed” Conclusions I’m not a great fan of the existing Debenhams building,…