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Letter: Read All About This Bird-Brained Scheme

From Gordon Bridger Hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford Readers might wish to see an article in The Spectator: Building artificial beauty spots to protect nests is a bird-brained…

Letter: Green Belt Protection And Town Regeneration Are Both Necessary

From David Roberts I write to answer to Peter Knight’s question: “Why should we put up with that little type of development in isolation whilst those in [Lovelace Ward (Ripley,…

Opinion: What Will Our Descendents Make of Our Local Plan Decisions?

By Colin Cross Liberal Democrat borough councillor for Lovelace As a borough councillor in a Guildford ward that is part of the Mole Valley parliamentary constituency, I have read with…

Mole Valley MP Raises Guildford’s Local Plan at Prime Minister’s Question Time

The contentious issue of building on green belt was raised during prime minister’s questions today (December 20, 2017) in the House of Commons. Sir Paul Beresford, the MP for Mole…

Letter: The Council Ignores The Facts and The Electorate At Its Peril

From Tony Edwards Wisley Action Group campaigner Aldous Huxley might have been thinking about Guildford council when he declared that facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.…

Dragon Interview: Liz Hogger – Effingham’s Borough Councillor

Cllr Liz Hogger was re-elected to serve as a Guildford Borough councillor representing Effingham Ward in May 2015. With a reputation as a hardworking councillor who serves on many committees in several roles,…

Letter: The Local Plan… It’s Like a Bad Western

From Tony Edwards Wisley Action Group campaigner An avalanche of objections to the destruction of huge swathes of the borough’s green belt from concerned Guildford residents stopped the previous Local…

Council Votes To Submit Local Plan for Examination to Central Government

Guildford’s controversial draft Local Plan is to be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination following a vote at this evening’s (November 21) full council meeting. Only seven councillors,…

Ripley Round-up: Large Gathering Enjoy Village Fireworks

By Chris Dick Ripley fireworks I’ve been going to the Ripley Firework Night for over 35 years and believe I am right when I say I’ve never seen so many…

Letter: QC’s New Evidence Casts Doubt on the Whole Local Plan

From Tony Edwards Guildford residents could have been forgiven for wondering how their local council could unanimously reject this scheme – citing 14 points of planning law – when it…