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Letter: Shalford War Memorial Expected To Be Restored by This Autumn

Published on: 21 May, 2024
Updated on: 21 May, 2024

The Shalford War Memorial in pieces after the collision in April 2022.

From: Nuala Livesey

clerk to Shalford Peasmarsh and Chilworth Community Council

In response to: Does ‘Lest We Forget’ Mean Nothing?

The community council is very aware of the fact the repair of the memorial has taken far longer than expected, and we fully understand the frustration of local residents.

The negotiations for an insurance settlement were long and protracted, resulting in an increase in costs during that time. This was followed by a very successful and well-supported fundraiser through the Guildford Crowdfund initiative.

Planning permission was required for the repair of the listed monument which also took longer than anticipated.

In December last year, the council appointed an approved contractor to carry out the work, who unfortunately withdrew in January. So the other tenders had to be reviewed again and we are now working with PAYE Stonework and Restoration, a well-established and experienced company in this field of work.

New stone for the bulk of the memorial is now being sourced and prepared. We are in further discussions with the Guildford Borough Council conservation officer regarding amendments to the original plans but are confident that the preparatory works will be completed over the next few months and the memorial restored fully by this autumn.

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Responses to Letter: Shalford War Memorial Expected To Be Restored by This Autumn

  1. Ramsey Nagaty Reply

    May 21, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    I am heartened that Gary Jones and other residents have raised concerns regarding the slow progress in restoring the Shalford War Memorial.

    This shows that the community does remember those who gave their lives defending our country and democracy and treasure the war memorial.

    Sadly, the process has dragged on as there were more issues than simply resolving an insurance claim, though as we know with car accidents these can take considerable time

    This damage occurred whilst I was a GBC ward councillor for Shalford and I know how seriously the community council were in considering all aspects.

    The siting of the memorial was even considered as no one wanted a repeat accident.

    There were also further names that could be added on the stone or as a separate plaque and seeing how they could be added due to the soft nature of the stone and whether further approval was required.

    I do know the community council clerk and the whole council have been anxious for the memorial to be restored as best and as soon as possible

    It is perhaps a classic example of bureaucracy and red tape making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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