Fringe Box



Letter: Does ‘Lest We Forget’ Mean Nothing?

Published on: 20 May, 2024
Updated on: 20 May, 2024

The cross as it was in January 2022 with the wreaths laid in November 2021 still in place.

From: Gary Jones

In response to: Driver Who Smashed Shalford War Memorial Pleads Guilty to Drugged Driving

I walked past the Shalford War Memorial today (Friday, May 17 – ie two years after the initial report on the accident).

The war memorial is still in pieces. This is disgraceful and a snub to the brave men whose names are inscribed on it.

Or does “lest we forget” mean nothing to an insurance company?

Editor’s comment: We have asked Shalford Parish Council to respond.

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Responses to Letter: Does ‘Lest We Forget’ Mean Nothing?

  1. Stephen Thornley Reply

    May 20, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    Absolute disgrace!

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