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Anger At Traffic Jams In Town Centre

By Hugh Coakley Guildford residents were expressing their anger at the long delays to traffic in the town as a result of extensive traffic management on Bridge Street, Farnham Road,…

Letter: If Cllr Spooner Dislikes Local Plan Results, He Should Consider His Own Failings

From: Julian Lyon In response to: Time to Move On to Managing Delivery of the Local Plan Strategic Sites As Cllr Paul Spooner is well aware, the Savills team I…

Crimestoppers Launches Campaign in Surrey After Domestic Abuse Soars 70%

After a terrifying spike in domestic abuse reports during lockdown, the charity Crimestoppers UK has launched a campaign, revealing signs to spot and asking Surrey residents to report suspicions 100%…

Letter: Business Rents and Rates Are Key to Town’s Economic Health

From: Valerie Thompson In response to: A Question of Image, What Will A Future Guildford Be Known For? Many shops have closed. Guildford High Street and North Street are like…

Shop News: ‘Everyone And His Dog Doing Deals With Landlords’

By Hugh Coakley Change in Guildford town centre is happening so rapidly, it’s hard to keep up. Reduced rents are encouraging new shops to open despite footfall decreasing by 45%…

Shop Front: Koja Coffee Shop In Jeffries Passage

By Hugh Coakley Walking into Koja Coffee Shop in Jeffries Passage, it is calm, quiet, understated and with the promise of good quality; dare I say it has a Skandi…

Opinion: Guildford Must Have A Say On The Fate Of Debenhams Site

From Alistair Smith (Chairman of the Guildford Society) (The Guildford Dragon NEWS has written to Guildford Borough Council and asked for its views on the future of the Debenhams site…

Footfall Down But Guildford Town Centre Looks Busy

By Hugh Coakley Despite footfall figures in Guildford showing a year-on-year drop of 28%, the town looked to be busy as the sun shone on Guildford on Monday, August 24.…

Guildford Starts To Serve Up ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ Scheme to Kickstart Town’s Economy

The government “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme, from August 3 till 31, aims to be a lifeline for the UK’s hospitality sector. Customers are being encouraged back into restaurants,…

Mixed Reception On Mandatory Face Masks As More Shops Crash After Coronavirus

By Hugh Coakley There were mixed views from shopkeepers in Guildford town centre at the start of this week as shoppers were largely adhering to the new mandatory mask regime…