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‘Don’t Tarmac Our Beautiful Old Bridleway’, Plead Dagley Lane Campaigners

By Julie Armstrong local democracy reporter Users of an ancient tree-lined bridleway near Guildford are distraught at plans to replace it with a lit-up tarmacked cycle route. Residents have now…

Only A Minority Oppose North Street and Debenhams Developments, Finds Survey

By Martin Giles Most Guildford residents support or are neutral about proposals to redevelop Debenhams and North Street, if a vox pop survey conducted by The Dragon yesterday (August 11)…

Dragon Interview: Daniel Hill, Son of the Pirbright Dump’s Owner

By Martin Giles The unofficial dump at Stoney Castle, Pirbright has been a problem for years and many will welcome the action by Guildford Borough Council to have it closed.…

Notice: Woking Photographic Society’s Free Annual Exhibition Returns To Dapdune Wharf

Woking Photographic Society’s annual exhibition returns to the National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf in Guildford. With more than 150 stunning prints on display the exhibition showcases the finest work by local…

Guildford Council Closed Pirbright Bridleway Illegally During Dump Operation

A bridleway was illegally closed and those wishing to use it threatened with physical removal during Guildford Borough Council’s closure operation at the unauthorised Stoney Castle dump in Pirbright. GBC…

Guildford Kayaker Wins Another Olympic Medal

Guildford’s Liam Heath claimed bronze in a photo finish in the defence of his Olympic men’s kayak single 200m title. Liam, who has now won medals at three consecutive Games,…

Most Businesses Say a University Degree is Unimportant

By Alexander Cardozo work experience reporter Who cares if you have a degree? According to a YouGov report, 56% of businesses say that a job candidate’s degree is generally not…

Notice: Troubadour Stageworks’ All’s Well That Ends Well

Troubadour Stageworks is presenting Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well in the garden of Vann House, Hambledon near Godalming between August 13 to 15. Performances are at 2pm and 7pm…

Letter: Stoney Castle Dump – My Questions to Guildford Councillors

From: Paul Hardcastle In response to: Council Leader ‘Understands Frustration’ Over Stoney Castle Secrecy The letter from Cllr Joss Bigmore and Cllr James Steel seems to be full of spin…

Council Leader ‘Understands Frustration’ Over Stoney Castle Secrecy

By Martin Giles The leader of Guildford Borough Council has told The Guildford Dragon NEWS that he understands the frustration members of the public might feel about the lack of…