In response to: Guildford eBike Scheme Still Awaited But SCC Are Not Back-pedalling
GBC and SCC can’t even be bothered to make the existing, pitiful, cycling infrastructure even start to work.
Blocked cycle paths, over-grown and over-hanging vegetation even on the major routes, shocking and dangerous road surfaces, inadequate and unsuitable zero security racking, and on it goes as it has for years.
The relevant authorities in and around Guildford have absolutely zero interest in sustainable transport and cycling in particular, and ample evidence abounds; the ludicrous, unfinished and now abandoned (having wasted millions of the taxpayer’s money) Godalming Greenway is just one example.
Without genuine desire to provide adequate infrastructure and competent management, this scheme will just be another white elephant.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
August 31, 2024 at 6:34 pm
Perhaps if the money available was spent for the benefit of all not the select vocal few.. we could all benefit from money expended.
John Perkins
September 1, 2024 at 6:15 am
These things cost money, yet cyclists seem to think they should be provided for free.
Mike Smith
September 2, 2024 at 9:22 am
I think cyclists pay taxes just like everyone else and since many (most?) cyclists also have cars they do indeed pay “road tax”.
However, since Vehicle Excise Duty is based on the vehicle’s CO2 emissions the road tax on a bicycle would probably only be a ha’penny anyway.
John Perkins
September 3, 2024 at 9:48 am
Vehicle Excise Duty is, at least nominally, to pay for roads. That should include dealing with blocked cycle paths, over-hanging vegetation and dangerous road surfaces.
Infrastructure specific to cycles, such as racks, are not, and should not be, included.
Most car owners do not also have cycles and it could be considered unreasonable to ask them to subsidize those that do.
Bibhas Neogi
September 3, 2024 at 8:34 pm
Vehicle excise duty and all duties and taxes go to the Treasury and they are not earmarked for any specific category of expenditure. So to the argument about motorists paying for roads through vehicle related taxes do not really have any direct bearing.
Surrey County Council is the Highway Authority for Surrey and it receives a sum for the maintenance of roads except for motorways and trunk roads from the central government. Maintenance of roads includes the pavement, the footways and cycle lanes where they exist. Off road cycle paths are the responsibility of Guildford Borough Council.
RWL Davies
September 6, 2024 at 6:44 pm
There’s no such thing as “road tax”; it was abolished in around 1936.
Vehicle Excise Duty goes into the Treasury pot and is not directed to roads and related matters.
All taxpayers contribute to all transport infrastructure costs whether they like it or not.