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Guildford eBike Scheme Still Awaited But SCC Are Not Back-pedalling

Published on: 29 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 31 Aug, 2024

eBikes for hire are coming to Guildford

By Martin Giles

Guildford’s eBike scheme was due for implementation this summer but with September almost upon us the bikes and docking stations have yet to appear.

Nonetheless Surrey County Council say the scheme is going ahead, even if they cannot give any new dates. A spokesperson said: “We’re excited to be working closely with the supplier to finalise our implementation strategy.

“We’re moving forward at pace and are focused on ensuring everything is ready for a successful roll out. We look forward to sharing more details very soon.”

Cllr Howard Smith is a regular eBike user. He finds it an efficient form of transport for Guildford and on his cargo bike there is room for his two children and some shopping.

Dragon editor Martin Giles sought some local views and spoke to Cllr Howard Smith (Lab, Westborough), a regular ebike user known to be in favour of the scheme and improvements to Guildford cycling infrastructure, and Derek Payne, co-organiser of an independent survey of the controversial proposals for provision of improved cycle and pedestrian facilities on the London Road in Burpham.

But a hot debate did not ensue. Both are in favour of the scheme. Please watch (apologies for the poor sound quality at times).

Public consultation was completed earlier this year including the siting of the numerous docking stations to be installed.

How eBikes, ready to hire in a hub, might look

Frequently asked questions about the scheme including…

  • Are the bikes safe?
  • Will there be bikes dumped everywhere?
  • How do you stop people riding or using these bikes irresponsibly?
  • How will it work?
  • Will I be able to ride up the hills in Guildford?
  • Do you need a licence to use the bikes?
  • What happens if a docking station is full?
  • How often will the bikes be maintained?

can be accessed here.

Map showing the distribution of eBike hubs in the town and beyond (there are some off this map). The circles indicate hubs where comments were received in the consultation including the number of comments and whether they were in favour (green), neutral (amber) or against (red).


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Responses to Guildford eBike Scheme Still Awaited But SCC Are Not Back-pedalling

  1. Derek Payne Reply

    August 29, 2024 at 7:25 pm

    As stated in the interview, I’m absolutely in favour of the scheme, but I’m very keen to understand how the enforcement elements will be managed, and by whom. In summary my questions are:
    • Will there be CCTV cameras set up showing the hubs, so any criminal damage and/or stealing can at least be visibly seen/recorded?
    • Who will review footage if a crime appears to have been committed (police; SCC; GBC). The police are stretched, so unless SCC plan to pay for a dedicated officer, then I would suggest an SCC and/or GBC resource needs to be identified as responsible. They then pass the evidence to the police?
    • The police may still not prioritise such crimes, so have discussions taken place between SCC, GBC, police (plus maybe the Joint Enforcement Team – JET at GBC – ) re enforcement processes?
    • It may be only private bikes that suffer criminal damage and/or stealing, but SCC/and contractor Beryl should have stats to hand, and experience and recommendations on how to manage.
    I chair Boxgrove Park Residents’ Association. At our AGM in May (circa 60 attendees), all were in favour of the scheme (as am I personally), but with the above concerns around enforcement, plus concern about bikes being left just anywhere, and the ongoing costs of the scheme. Will sanctions, when there is misuse, be sufficient to discourage such behaviour.

    How and who will carry out any enforcement? The police are overwhelmed, so will council officers be allocated; will deterrents/fines be sufficient to deter bad practice?

    And also, Cllr Howard Smith suggested a public meeting with the to answer questions about the scheme which I think would make sense.

  2. John Cooke Reply

    August 29, 2024 at 8:05 pm

    I’m generally in favour of these schemes, I cycle whenever possible, and keen to reduce traffic in towns.

    That said, my understanding is, the Environment Agency has a serious problem with hire bikes being dumped in the Thames tributaries around London and in other parts of the country.

    It’s a far from perfect scheme in some parts of the country: bikes dumped on the outskirts of town and operators failing to collect dumped bikes.

    I wish people were more responsible but it appears not. The operator, presumably making money from what is a good idea, also needs to be made responsible for any inconvenience to the general public or costs to the authorities.

  3. Frank Emery Reply

    August 31, 2024 at 4:03 pm

    As a matter of interest, how much is this scheme going to cost Joe public? Not for the hire of equipment but the very fact of having the trial in the first place?

    Editor’s response: The cost to SCC and GBC is stated in the interview: £1.05 million and £250k respectively.

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