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Birdwatcher’s Diary No.213 – Bearded Vulture Special!

By Malcolm Fincham At Clandon Burial Ground as the second phase of July arrived, the annual brood of kestrels had fledged from their nest box. However, they hadn’t ventured far.…

Richard’s Wey August 2020

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations This is always a busy time of year, trying to get everywhere looking its best for the increased…

Riff Raff Diary – August 2020

Riverbank tales from the local St Catherine’s lengthsman and weir keeper By Robert Craig The last few weeks have been challenging, with the spells of very hot weather continuing. Apart…

The Story Of Pewley Down Gifted To Guildford 100 Years Ago

By David Rose This coming Wednesday, July 29, 2020, marks exactly 100 years since Pewley Down was gifted to the borough and “preserved for time immemorial as a playground for…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No. 212

By Malcolm Fincham Some pleasurable summer sun and mostly dry conditions continued during the first weeks of July, in southern regions of the UK. My obsession with the great outdoors…

St Catherine’s Hill Tunnel Work Now Expected to End in November

St Catherine’s Hill Tunnel Work Now Expected to End in November

Network Rail engineers are continuing to strengthen the slope close to St Catherine’s tunnel in Guildford after last December’s landslip, with work now expected to last until November (2020). Geotechnical…

Letter: Hotspots Project Raised My Temperature

From: John Ferns In response to: Collaboration Gives Green Light to U-turn on Blackwater Valley Hotspots Scheme That all was not well within Millmead was obvious to concerned residents, here…

Letter: Worplesdon’s ‘Little Hidden Gem’ is Opening Too

From: Jan Messinger The Sime gallery Worplesdon is delighted to announce it is opening, by appointment only, 2-4pm Wednesday and Sunday throughout August. It was cleaned yesterday (July 21) following…

Opinion: We’re Missing the Point About Our Litter Problem

By David Roberts Conducting a little anti-litter campaign in Britain’s most troubled overseas territories made me think hard about the subject, and my impression of the debate in Guildford, including…

Community Garden Invites People To Meet And Do Veg

Meet and do Veg is the aptly named title of a new community garden that has been set up in Park Barn for anyone to join in with. The saying…