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Opinion: Why I Will Be Voting To Leave The EU

Opinion: Why I Will Be Voting To Leave The EU

By Christian Holliday Conservative ward councillor for Burpham This article is the first of a series of five setting out Christian’s personal views on a on the EU referendum debate.…

The Brexit Campaign Continues Throughout The Borough

The Brexit Campaign Continues Throughout The Borough

With just six weeks to go until the crucial EU referendum, “Brexiteers” in Guildford are working hard to deliver their message locally. “Vote Leave” campaign coordinator Christian Holliday who is…

News In Brief From Millmead

A round-up of news from Guildford Borough Council’s Millmead offices Burpham’s neighbourhood plan formally adopted Guildford Borough Council formally adopted the Burpham Neighbourhood Plan at its full council meeting on April 12. Council leader…

Ash Planning Decision – How the Councillors Voted – Includes Absentees

Below is a list showing how councillors voted on the motion to refuse the planning application for 400 new homes in Ash (source – Guildford Borough Council): For refusal of…

Deputies Show Support For Convicted Council Leader

Conservative deputy leaders have today (May 14) shown their support for Council Leader Stephen Mansbridge (Con, Ash South & Tongham) following his conviction for drink driving. Deputy Leader of Guildford…

Opinion: Baroness Thatcher’s Funeral – Sad Day, But Legacy Will Be An Inspiration

The deputy chairman (political) of the Guildford Conservative Association and borough councillor for Burpham, Christian Holliday, travelled to London to pay his respects to Baroness Margaret Thatcher on Wednesday, April 16,…

Shalford Conservative President ‘Absolutely Livid’ over Nomination ‘Fiasco’

Shalford Conservatives are said to be ‘absolutely livid’ over the ‘fiasco’ that has left thousands of Tory voters without a candidate to vote for at the forthcoming Surrey County Council…

Guildford Conservatives Elect New Chairman

As the county prepares for the forthcoming County Council elections the members of the Guildford Conservative Association have elected a new chairman. Alan Young was elected on Friday 22 March,…

Conservatives Select Candidate for Stoughton By-election

A Conservative candidate to fight for the Stoughton Ward in the forthcoming Borough by-election on May 2nd has been selected. She is Sharon Stokes. The by-election has been called following…

Burpham Forum Takes Next Steps Towards a Neighbourhood Plan

The Burpham Neighbourhood Forum took another step yesterday (Saturday, March 9) towards its goal of producing a neighbourhood plan, potentially pioneering the way for other Guildford communities. Once accepted, a…