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Abby Ixer’s Nutritious Food: Healthier Snack Ideas

Abby Ixer is a registered dietician with a passion for food and nutrition. She moved to Guildford four years ago and is currently working in the area of health promotion, delivering healthy lifestyle programmes…

Where Is This? No.158

By David Rose The junction of Chertsey Street and North Street was the view seen in last week’s vintage photo, with a number of correct replies. The coat of arms…

Vision Group Reveals Its Masterplan and ‘Manifesto’ for Guildford

The Guildford Vision Group (GVG) has revealed, exclusively to The Guildford Dragon NEWS, its draft masterplan for Guildford town. It has also issued a “manifesto”, listing objectives its members hope candidates in the…

Opinion: Guildford – A Town On The Brink

By John Rigg John Rigg is a founder and chairman of the Guildford Vision Group (GVG) who have released, exclusively to the Guildford Dragon NEWS, their masterplan and election manifesto.…

Letter: I am Pessimistic Too

From Dominique Kelly I totally agree with Martin Giles’ article, “Why I am Pessimistic for Guildford“.  Having recently moved into the area in the last three years, I have started…

Opinion: Why I Am Pessimistic for Guildford

By Martin Giles The other day I introduced a stranger to Guildford. I showed her along an ancient pedestrian route from Buryfields, down Porridge Pot Alley, over the River Wey,…

Opinion: Remember the Local Issues in the Next Local Election

Democracy is important to The Guildford Dragon NEWS. We support no political party although we do strongly believe that it is all our duty to get involved, to use our…

Where Is This? No.152

By David Rose Many readers remembered the archway at the foot of North Street that led to Friary Square – and then to a footbridge over the river to the…

Opinion: Your Local Vote on May 7 Will Count The Most

by Martin Giles It’s Thursday, May 7 – general election day. You go into the voting booth and your pencil hovers over the ballot paper. Even if you have not…

Citizens Advice Bureaux Have Been Helping Guildford People For More Than 75 Years

David Rose takes a look at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Guildford – from its wartime beginnings to how the organisation today helps thousands of people each year at its centres in Guildford town…