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Residents Frustrated By Delayed Completion to Agraria Road Re-surfacing

Published on: 1 Sep, 2014
Updated on: 3 Sep, 2014
Resurfacing work left incomplete on Agraria Road after a water main was struck.

Resurfacing work left incomplete on Agraria Road after a water main was struck.

Residents in Agraria Road, a popular short cut for local drivers, have been left frustrated by a delayed completion of road works to resurface the road.

Agraria Road Works 2 475

The resurfaced section complete with new painted lines.

A section by the junction with Madrid Road has been left unsurfaced and today (September 1) no workmen were present to finish the project.

One resident spoken to, who lives on the road, said: “The problem started when they hit a water main. The contractors carrying out the work said that it had been laid too shallow, while the water company said the road workers had dug too deep.

“Now we would just like to see it finished. The way the road has been left is terrible especially by the junction where there are huge dips.

“We also wish that the council would make this an ‘Access only’ road. It gets really busy during the rush hour especially during term time.”

Other residents also spoke of their frustration with the delay to the road works which were supposed to have commenced on August 6th but did not get underway until the 11th. They have now been told that the contractors will not return until next Monday (September 8th) to complete the task.

Surrey County Council have been asked to comment. Any response will be added to this article as soon as possible following after it is received.

The uneven surface by the junction with Madrid Road.

The uneven surface by the junction with Madrid Road.

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Responses to Residents Frustrated By Delayed Completion to Agraria Road Re-surfacing

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 1, 2014 at 8:51 pm

    Don’t worry it’s getting worse.

    Clay Lane at Jacobs Well was surface stripped last week and the 60 tons of surface dressing stone was dropped last week in Bowers Lane.

    Tonight it was collected for use in Chertsey. Nothing more need be said.

  2. Ian Nicholls Reply

    September 3, 2014 at 11:04 pm

    Same problem in Cline Road. There has been no road surface and no parking for over a month after the original contractor ruptured several water mains. Thames Water eventually repaired several leaks but two still remain and the end of the road is impassable. The drains were not protected and filled full of rubble and set concrete so with heavy downpours a slurry of road surface debris and cement poured down the road and into properties in Cooper Road. Contractors used mechanical diggers in the early hours cutting off power and water without warning. Huge piles of road debris set solid and after 5 weeks have only just been broken up using specialist equipment. Residents are not being informed what is happening even when we phone Surrey County Council and Thames Water to ask. Temporary no-parking cones appear overnight in adjacent roads with vehicles being towed away the next day without residents being informed where they are moved to. It has been an absolute shambles. Another contractor has now come in and put down a temporary surface for a short section of the road but tell us that the road will have to be dug up again in the next 6 months for some reason we haven’t been informed about. The cost of this must be astronomical and the road was perfectly OK in the first place – just one or two potholes.

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