Guildford Borough Council is asking for feedback on its proposals for setting out how much developers will contribute towards the cost of infrastructure in the borough.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new tariff system that allows councils to fund, provide, replace or maintain infrastructure with funds raised from new developments.
The rates are based on a balance between development viability and infrastructure needs, as required by government regulations. The amount paid by developers is set by each council, and relates to the size and type of new development.
The money raised will be used to help pay for the infrastructure needed to support development, for example: transport, schools, health facilities and parks across the borough.
The CIL is a non-negotiable charge on development and is calculated per square metre based on the level of development proposed. In most cases it will replace the existing arrangement of negotiating planning obligations between councils and developers. Site-specific infrastructure and affordable housing will continue to be secured by planning obligations.
The consultation runs until March 1, 2015. To respond to the consultation, go to https://getinvolved.guildford.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Jim Allen
January 27, 2015 at 12:11 pm
If you check the associated document you will see they have attached one of the much failed document on infrastructure, which fails to identify current failings and supports inadequate replacement infrastructure which will not either be fit for purpose nor sustainable.
If they can’t even get the basics of infrastructure need down on paper, then what is the point in raising money for misplaced and misinformed infrastructure projects?