George Abbot School in Burpham has been awarded £122,500 to help build an all-wether sports pitch with floodlights.
The money is part of the 2012 London Olympic Games legacy funding from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities Fund.
The school’s parent / teacher association made a strong application and the money that has been awarded represents half the total needed to build the pitch and install floodlights.
The senior school says that the new pitch will help it transform the sports excellence of its students offering them the opportunity to play new sports such as hockey, no more cancelling of lessons due to a waterlogged field, and the opportunity to play for local clubs who will use the pitch in the evenings and at weekends. The latter will also support the financing and running of the pitch.
The school is set to announce how it plans to raise the additional funds, while it aims to have the pitch ready for the new school year in September.
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Contact: Martin Giles
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