If you enjoy reading The Guildford Dragon NEWS please don’t forget to sponsor us for our sleep-out in support of the young homeless in Guildford.
All money raised will go to the YMCA’s Life Change Fund and allow it to help support this vulnerable group.
Our single night out gave us only a tiny experience of what it must be like for those who find themselves without a roof over their head. But it was a chilly night as the picture below might show.
We are hoping to raise £1,000 but every single pound will help, so if you are able to support us please click on the image and you will be linked straight to a ‘mydonate’ page that will allow you to quickly make an on-line donation.
Chris McSween
March 6, 2013 at 1:29 pm
I hadn’t seen this item before – very telling! And I distinctly remember being cold in my own bed that night, so top marks to you for the sacrifice!