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Services Are Held Across Guildford To Remember War Dead

Published on: 11 Nov, 2012
Updated on: 11 Nov, 2012

Services of remembrance have taken place across Guildford to remember those who gave their lives in times of war and conflict since 1914.

The Cadence Drum & Bugle Corps lead the procession along Beckingham Road to St Francis’ Church.

Town Centre

Cllr Jenny Jordan, The Mayor of Guildford led the Civic Service of Remembrance at Holy Trinity Church this morning and then afterwards at the War Memorial in the Castle Grounds.

Canon Robert Cotton looks on as Guildford’s MP, Anne Milton and Guildford Borough Council Chief Executive, David Hill lay wreaths at the War Memorial – Photo John Schluter

A poppy cross left by the war memorial today – Photo John Schluter

Hundreds of townsfolk gathered to see Hon Freeman, Aldermen and Councillors walk in procession from the Guildhall to the church where a traditional service was held. At 11 o’clock a maroon signalled the exact anniversary of the armistice that signalled the end of the Great War. The Last Post was played and a two minute silence observed before Reveille was sounded.

Within the church, standards of the British Legion, various cadet forces, The Scouts and the Brownies were laid before the chancel and the congregation sang,”Oh God, our help in ages past…” The Mayor read from Isaiah (2.2 -5) and Colonel Patrick Crowley, a serving officer, who attended school in Guildford and is late of the local Princess of Wales Regiment read from Ephesians 6.10 -17.

The service over, dignitaries and service representatives moved in procession, behind a brass band, down the High Street, through Tunsgate, to the Castle Grounds where a wreath laying ceremony was conducted by the War Memorial.

Many ex-servicemen were in evidence, a diminishing number wearing medals of the Second World War.

One elderly veteran read Binyon’s famous verse:

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age cannot weary them, nor the years condemn;

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.”

Another quoted the epitaph on the Kohima War Memorial:

“When you go home

Tell them of us and say

For your tomorrow

We gave our today”

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Members of the Stoughton & Westborough branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) and servicemen joined parishioners at St Francis’ Church in Beckingham Road, for its remembrance service on Sunday morning.

Servicemen joined members of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion in the march.

Members of the RBL branch, based in Northway, marched to the church in a procession led by the Cadence Drum & Bugle Corps.

Sunlight streamed through the windows of St Francis’ Church during the service.

The service was led by the team rector, the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges, with members of the RBL branch and regular parishioners taking part.

Pictured after the service with the Rev’d Stefanie Hodges is Capt Lee Neville of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps, based at the Army School of Physical Training in Aldershot; and Capt Dougie Douglas, of the Royal Army Physical Corps, Army Foundation College in Harrogate.

After the service there was a special presentation by Angela Snape to church regular Frances Dawson for her amazing 72 years of raising funds for the Poppy Appeal.

Angela Snape of the Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion (left) presents Frances Dawson with a letter from the national chairman of the Poppy Appeal thanking her for her many years of fundraising.


A service was held at the Charlotteville war memorial in front of Addison Court, in Addison Road, on Saturday afternoon at 3pm.

About 30 people, including local residents and visitors, gathered as the afternoon light faded and took part in a moving service led by the Rev’d Rod Pierce, a member of the team ministry of the parish of Holy Trinity and St Mary’s Churches.

The Rev’d Rod Pierce leads the Act of Remembrance service in Charlotteville.

Last Post and Reveille was played by Emmi Tingey, who is in the final year of her music degree at the University of Surrey. It was the third time that she has played at the Act of Remembrance service at Charlotteville.

Bugler Emmi Tingey.

Following the service there were refreshments inside addison Court and displays about the war memorial and the 32 men (from both world wars) who are named on it. They were all residents of Charlotteville.

Wreath laying at the Charlotteville war memorial.

After the First World War a wooden shrine was erected in a small garden by St Luke’s Church that once stood there to provide the families and loved ones a focal point for their grieving and remembrance. In 1928 this was replaced by a memorial made from Portland stone.

Representatives of the Addison Road community laid wreaths.

Holy Trinity (Guildford) Housing Association organised Saturday’s service, with help from Ian Nicholls and his partner Julie Howarth. Ian has a website all about the war memorial and those commemorated on it. Click here to view.

Wreaths laid at the Charlotteville war memorial on Saturday, November 10.

A full report and pictures from the Remembrance Sunday events in Guildford town centre and the Castle Grounds will appear here shortly.

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