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Short Story Roundup: Post Office Move, Power Shifts in Other Councils, GBC Pay Award Deferred

Published on: 16 May, 2019
Updated on: 18 May, 2019

Preparation Underway for Move of Guildford Post Office

Workmen have been erecting Post Office signs on the frontage of WH Smiths ready for the imminent closure of the Post Office at the top of the North Street and its move to the High Street.

It is thought to be the first time Guildford has not had a standalone Post Office, in its own premises, since postal services commenced in the 19th century. Not all users are thought to be in favour of the move and it is understood none of the existing staff are transferring.

Cllr Stuart Selleck leader of Elmbridge Borough Council

Power Shifts in Other Surrey Councils

By Rebecca Curley, local democracy reporter

The Residents’ Association group and Lib Dems in Elmbridge Borough Council have agreed to work together.

Cllr Stuart Selleck, leader of Molesey Residents’ Association, was elected as council leader unopposed at the annual council meeting on Wednesday (May 15).

Conservatives lost three seats in the May 2 local elections, meaning there is no overall control for any party in Elmbridge.

The political breakdown of the council is;  Conservatives 21, Residents’ Association Group 15, Liberal Democrats 10 and Hinchley Wood Residents’ Association Group two members.

Despite having no overall control in Woking, Conservative councillor David Bittleston is to remain leader.

James Whiteman, MD at GBC

Pay Rise for Senior GBC Officers Deferred

A 2% pay rise for the senior council officers at Guildford Borough Council, the managing director and the directors, was deferred at yesterday’s council meeting after an intervention from the former council leader Paul Spooner (Con, Ash South and Tongham). The senior officers were set to get a 2% pay rise already awarded to more junior grades.

Cllr Spooner said: “This slightly concerns me because the previous administration did not have any opportunity to discuss this and this has appeared somewhat out of the blue, we certainly approved in full council the staff 2% but… none of us were aware that this was discussed… Therefore I move deferral.”

The monitoring officer Robert Parkin explained that the matter could not have been dealt with earlier because the cost of living pay award had not been settled in time and that it was not a matter that needed to go before the Employment Committee.

The GBC MD’s salary is around £130,000 and the directors’ around £90,000.

The decision will now be put to the next full council meeting on July 23.



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Responses to Short Story Roundup: Post Office Move, Power Shifts in Other Councils, GBC Pay Award Deferred

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    May 16, 2019 at 9:30 pm

    So Cllr Spooner, who presided over the million pound “Pop Up Village” fiasco, is worried about a 2% salary increase. Bit late to worry about the public purse.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    May 18, 2019 at 2:26 pm

    Why did they need to take heed of the leader of a minority party, and who presided over an increase in councillors’ allowances.

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