Fringe Box



Stage Dragon: Cluedo 2 – Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

Published on: 4 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 4 Oct, 2024

By Ferenc Hepp

Set in Graveney Manor on a mysterious evening in 1968, Cluedo 2 opens with much promise, particularly in the design of its set which resembles, perhaps unsurprisingly, a Cluedo board. Accordingly it features various rooms, such as the study, library, and kitchen, frequently visited throughout the play.

While the mobile set, operated fully by the ensemble, adds some dynamism and works well, the overall aesthetic could certainly do with a touch of paint to bring out its potential.

The story introduces us to all the characters early on, and the first murder occurs swiftly, setting up what should be a thrilling, funny mystery. However, despite a plot that promises humour, tension and suspense, the cast struggles to deliver the necessary variety of styles to deliver this.

The set resembles a Cluedo board.

While the chemistry among the performers is apparent, the direction lacks creativity. Much of the action is staged rather rigidly, with the actors frequently standing in lines or semicircles, detracting from any real sense of imagination.

The tone of the production by JAS Theatricals, Gabriel Creative Partners, The Arca Group and Lively McCabe Entertainment, originally written by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran and directed by Mark Bell, remains largely flat, and the emotional range of the cast doesn’t vary enough to keep us invested in the plot’s twists and turns.

The cast of Cluedo 2

Most of the dialogue is delivered on the same emotional level, meaning that key moments fail to land with any real impact.

Nonetheless, two performances stand out: Jack Bennett as Wadsworth, the actor who must constantly remind others that he is not the butler, and Dawn Buckland as Mrs White, a delightfully unhinged housekeeper. Both actors find ways to inject much-needed humour and energy into the proceedings.

While some of the one liners provide some fun, sadly, they cannot mask the overall lack of excitement.

See also: Refurbishment Work Continues at the Yvonne Arnaud While Theatre Re-opens and Dame Patricia Wishes Theatre ‘Good Luck’

There are some subtle nods to popular culture, including a glitterball in reference to Strictly Come Dancing and Ellie Leach’s win in 2023, who plays Miss Scarlett, but Cluedo 2 ultimately falls short.

The style feels quite amateurish, and I would concur with some of the overheard comments on my way out: “It was different… Don’t know what that was about.”

I sincerely hope the rest of the autumn season delivers something stronger.


Cluedo 2 runs until Saturday, October 5, and tickets are available via http://www.yvonne- or 01483 440000

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